So I’ve always wanted to paint my own space…

Amara Peace
3 min readJan 25, 2022

The subject of the above picture is fictional and not related to article.

I had a lot of fears; paint fumes affecting my breathing, or the whole process being too stressful.

But my mental health has been in the gutters for a while now, so I figured this would be a nice distraction.

I shared with a friend who specializes in it as a job (she’s an architect, painter and carpenter), she offered to assist on day one and coach me through the basics:

Tip: skip the next two paragraphs if you don’t like reading through instructions. I won’t judge you 🤗.

Day one:

-put some masking tape on the edges to catch spills.

-use roller to spread the coat evenly. Run it over twice to cover all the spots.

-follow with a small paint brush to get the edges

Day two:

-run second coat on all surfaces

-remove masking tape

-use small paint brush to follow through for an even texture.

-leave to dry.

Of course it is more difficult than it sounds and takes a lot of energy. So make sure to take breaks in between, stay hydrated and. get some snacks as well.

Turns out painting is even more fun than I expected; it doesn’t have the fumes or stick to my hair.

It also came with a few gifts:

-the pure satisfaction of a job well done. Nothing rivals that. Honestly. Nothing.

-has revved up my creative juices; I’ve written more, thought and planned a few strategies.

-given an outlet for my depressed spirit; the monotony of movement serves as meditation food and allows me to be calm, think clearly and breathe easily.

-I’ve been catching up on my favorite podcasts and

-shaking my body to Olamide’s Carpe Diem album, Wavy’s PSTYFW, and few other personal favorites.

The dopamine rush is unmatched!

Pic 2: album cover of Wavy The Creator PSTYFW. Wanna check it out? Spotify users, click here.

I also read some stuff on Google of painting and it’s benefits to one’s mental health. Here’s my favorite article here.

The major reward I got from this whole exercise is: the walls are mine; I’ve imprinted my energy into the space.

Would totally recommend, although I’m never doing this again 😅

Well… maybe until I move to another house. Fingers crossed.

Don’t uncross them.

P.S: Is painting walls a hobby you have considered?

Author’s note: hi! Thank you for reading all the way to this point. I don’t take your support lightly. Do drop me a clap, comment or emoji to before you leave.

Amara ❤️



Amara Peace

Persuasive storyteller. I draw analogies from life experiences to tell stories that inspire you to show up as the best version of yourself 💕